Introduction Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Wearing a shaggy beard and smelling of cigar smoke, Armand Merizon greeted me at the door. It was 1962.
Psalms, Sermons, and the Great Awakening Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” During the Great Depression a ten-year-old Michigan boy sat with his parents in the midst of a devout congregation of Dutch Calvinists.
Early Gravitation Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Armand Jasper Merizon was born to first generation Dutch emigrants in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on February 28, 1920.
People Were Suspicious Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” The following year Armand suffered, sometimes spectacularly, from an undiagnosed seizure disorder. It would change, dramatically, how he viewed himself and how others viewed him.
Bates Street Bullies Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” The Bates Street neighborhood in southeast Grand Rapids where Armand grew up was “a hell-raising rough place” where bullies and con artists thrived (VanderMey, 2012).
Worried Parents Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” On Sundays the Merizon household needed to be set in order, their minds geared for Sabbath observance. “Sunday was quite enough psychologically,” Armand recalled with a near shudder.
Trouble Brewing and a Nice Court Officer Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Occasionally Armand drew his own trouble.
Surviving the Depression Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” During the depths of the Great Depression, across the street customers with overdue bills were coming to the door, bartering rugs, an entire dining room set, silverware, anything they could sell.
Freedom and Faith with A Thumb Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Already a seasoned hitchhiker, on a Monday morning the thirteen-year-old extended a thumb. “Eventually a car slowed down and pulled over to the curb.
Stolen Music and a Man of Integrity Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” The following year a controversial new version of the Psalter Hymnal was introduced in church.
Searching Eye Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” As Armand entered high school his neighbor Mr. Andrews introduced him to Adan M.
Early High School Years and a Nice Officer Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” At Davis Vocational and Technical High School, standard academics were taught in the morning while in the afternoon there were electives ranging from automobile mechanics to art.
Surprise Invitation Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” A serendipitous event occurred around that same time as Armand once again took to canvassing neighborhoods trying to sell his original paintings for a pittance. There were few takers until the Dr.
Prize Winner! Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Returning to Davis Tech with renewed enthusiasm, Armand received his first major honor: a $500 full-tuition scholarship for one-year in residence at the Vesper George Art School in Boston.
At Sea Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Like Ishmael in Moby Dick, Armand left determined to investigate the watery part of the world ––and paint it.
On Shore Leave: Paint and Piety Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In Boston Armand attended church regularly, made public profession of his faith, and discussed Calvinism with the John Knox Presbyterians.
What Possessed Him? Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In the summer of 1938, as agreed, his support from Eerdmans ended and he returned home to Grand Rapids where he began work in a factory that made plywood hulls for P.T boats.
A Girl Reappears Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In preparation for seminary studies, Armand needed to complete his high school requirements.
New Revelation Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” After completing his high school requirements, he enrolled in pre-seminary classes at Calvin College where he continued studying Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion.
West and Then East Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Before the semester ended in 1941 it was clear that he needed time to rethink.
Life in Denver Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In July 1943, Armand was transferred by train to Denver, Colorado. Once again his painter’s vision saw possibilities in the West.
Questionable Engagement Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Meanwhile, Armand, now twenty-three, had not forgotten the girl in high school that stopped him in his tracks. He asked her for a date. Betty remembers their first date when she was seventeen.
Young Artist and Old Mentor Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” While in New York, Armand set out to meet his mentor Artur Schnabel.
Art and Commerce Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In his home town Armand began to establish himself as an artist in his own right.
A Woman of Quality Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” “If you want to be a fine artist be sure you marry the right person.” It’s likely Armand’s audience of student painters laughed when Armand offered such unexpected advice, but he meant it, sincerel
Music “Greater Than It Can Be Played” Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Classical music became progressively more integrated in Armand’s artistic endeavors. “Great music has great logic and form,” he explained. “It has architectural structure and melody.
Life in the 50’s and 60’s Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” The house Armand and Betty lived in was rarely repaired. A repairman banging around the house would disturb him. Betty never complained.
Grand Valley Artists Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” During that time Armand joined a few other local artists of kindred spirits.
New Jersey and an Award Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Later that summer Armand decided to make one more crack at the New York markets—a sheer gamble.
Prankster Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Amidst Armand’s struggles and prizes, he had not lost his quirky sense of humor.
Touring the Riviera Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In 1960 Armand was offered an unexpected opportunity to tour the Riviera! The Keeler Foundation awarded him a $2000 European Arts Fellowship.
Fidgety Elders Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Armand continued his pattern of sleeping during the day and painting during the quiet hours of the night.
His Own Boss Now? Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” By the end of the 1960s Armand achieved statewide and international recognition.
Spring Saturday: From a Chicken Coop to Bristol, England Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Even if Armand did shun commercial interests, by 1968 doctors and private collectors were beginning to take interest in his art.
The Naturalist Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Author’s note: In preparation for a documentary on Armand Merizon, ARMAND, which premiered in 2005, numerous interviews were held with the artist about his personal life, his artistic career, a
Family Life Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” “We didn’t know we lived so differently from other kids,” Aimé recalled in her father’s eulogy.
Art Appreciators Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” During the 1960s and into the next decade, the Amway Corporation of Ada, Michigan, expanded enormously and began to contribute heavily to cultural life in the Grand Rapids area.
Russian Tragedy Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” “Russian Tragedy,” painted in 1979, clearly demonstrates Armand’s continuing desire to paint more philosophically.
Productive Years Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Armand continued to experiment with new styles and techniques.
Beauty, Integrity and Truth Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” “The beautiful––first to surmise its existence, elusively in the world through time, and here and there in your life these unexpendable experiences that defy the norm and the reality, then the mira
Color Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” If music inspired order, color provided personality. “To me a tube of paint is like a personality,” said Armand.
Challenging Eye Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” At the height of his career, disaster struck. Armand’s eyesight began to fail, and in the mid 1980s he could no longer read or drive. Already in 1978, his ophthalmologist and longtime friend, Dr.
West Michigan Eight Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” During these difficult times deep friendships mattered, a lot, to Armand.
Embattled Eye Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” Meanwhile, his vision continued to worsen. “He came back in 1993, eleven years later,” Dr. Gerbens says, and he was no longer wearing glasses. ‘Why wear glasses if they’re not helping?’ he said.
Full Circle Muriel Zandstra: “Armand Merizon: His life and Art, 1920 - 2010” In early 2000 when Armand was now 80, Ben Perrin had just opened Mercury Head Gallery on Fulton Street in Merizon’s old neighborhood.